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50 remarkable Jim Rohn quotes to elevate your game
Jim Rohn was an incredible force in the personal development world. Through his work, he nudged everyone to ignite their dormant potential and expand their horizons, both in personal and professional realms. When he passed away 15 years back in 2009, he left a priceless gift for all of us:
always give more value than the money you receive
"The universe operates through dynamic exchange… giving and receiving are different aspects of the same flow of energy."
– Deepak Chopra
In the realm of business and professional endeavors, the principle of equal value exchange stands as an unwavering pillar of success. Simply put, the value you contribute must
the entrepreneurial mindset: your key to unlocking success in the modern world
“Under the contributor mindset you receive money as payment for your social service. The money you earn is society's way of saying: 'In exchange for your valued contribution, you are hereby granted the right to extract equivalent value from society at a time of your choosing.”
― Michael