why you must cultivate a discipline of detachment

why you must cultivate a discipline of detachment
Photo by Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash

The world in which we live now is a world of access. Never before in the history of humanity has it become so much easier to acquire things. Just a click of a few buttons, maybe a phone call, and you can get whatever you want. Due to this ease, the most important aspect of our lives that we need to pay attention to is the kind of choices we make. It has become easy for us to become enticed and tricked. The best antidote to be able to live peacefully in this era of access is detachment. Temptations are everywhere and nowadays people in technology companies are getting paid to steal our attention. Digital dictatorships are emerging, and our limited and most precious resources — our time, presence, and attention — are in jeopardy.

Getting hooked, attached, and addicted has become easier than ever. Marketers know the ins and outs of the human brain, and in order to protect ourselves, our money, and our invaluable resources, we need to learn how to detach from the seductive forces around us. Detachment is no longer an option for us, but it has become a necessity. Each of us is hooked and addicted to a few things that we know are bad for our health and detrimental to our essential trifecta: body, mind, and spirit. The health revolution is shifting gradually from training of the body to training of the mind. A big reason for this is the information overload that we all are facing.

Detachment does not mean building walls around us and staying aloof and away from everyone. We don’t need to dig ourselves into a hole, but we need to find healthier ways to experience and become whole. It means gaining wisdom to discern and decide what’s best for us and focus on essentialism.

Superfluous is quickly becoming the norm, and detachment is the one and the only thing that will set us free. Building healthy boundaries and focusing on long-term gains, instead of instant gratification, is what will take us far. It has become essential and crucial for us to cultivate a discipline of detachment so that we can maintain our well-being and embrace perennial happiness.

PS: If you or someone close to you is having a tough time battling an addiction or a toxic attachment, I’d encourage you to get my book The Detachment Manifesto. This book will guide you step-by-step on the journey that you or your loved one need to take from a life of imprisonment to a life of freedom.