using the power of love for optimal health

using the power of love for optimal health
Photo by Sarah Wolfe / Unsplash

Here’s one potent way to achieve fantastic health: start giving love. It's true! The love you send out comes right back to you in the form of amazing health and wellbeing. 

You can't fight sickness with negativity and anger. Feeling hatred or fear toward an illness actually allows it to stick around longer. It's like putting bad energy out into the world – and that bad energy comes back as more sickness. The only way to truly heal is by giving good, loving vibes.

“To receive the health you want and love, you must give love! In the face of any sickness, give good feelings about health, because only love brings perfect health. You cannot give bad feelings about sickness and receive health. If you hate or fear a disease, you will be giving out bad feelings, and disease can never go away through bad feelings.”
– Rhonda Byrne

When you think positive, loving thoughts about being healthy and well, it's like giving your body a shot of brilliant healing energy. Your cells just soak it all up! But if you dwell on negativity about your poor health, it's like putting your cells on a starvation diet of bad energy. They get weaker instead of stronger.

It doesn't even matter what you're feeling negative about. Stress over work, a fight with a friend, bad traffic – anything that makes you feel upset or angry actually deprives your body of healing energy on a cellular level. But then do something loving, like snuggling your pet or watching a beautiful sunset, and boom! Your whole body gets flooded with that loving, healing vibe.

The bottom line is, health comes from love. No matter what illness you're battling, the remedy is to give love from your heart. Forget fighting or fearing the sickness, and just focus on appreciation for all the good health you want to experience. Like attracts like, so giving a loving vibration will absolutely summon perfect health and wellness your way.