unnecessary apologies

Our apologies need to be clear and intentional. Some of us end up apologizing again and again. One kind of people who do this are those who don’t care about the consequences of their actions. They know they have the cushion of apology when things go awry. And the other kind give out apologies out of fear, even when they’re not doing anything wrong. Their lack of confidence and self-assurance unfortunately breeds lack of trust. With repetitive apology, the phrase “I’m sorry.” loses its meaning.

We need to bring confidence and righteousness in our actions. In that case even if we screw up, people will know that we are honest about our apology. To human is to err, but that doesn’t mean we need to keep doing mistakes that glorify our shortcomings. We need to mean when we say sorry, that’ll not only allow us to be vulnerable but also build trust and loyalty.