understanding the mind-body connection [1/2]

understanding the mind-body connection [1/2]

As we have previously discussed, cultivating a consistent practice of mindfulness can prove to be immensely beneficial for our body, mind and spirit. The state of our mind greatly influences our body and as we train our mind, we take care of our body as well. This holds true in the opposite direction too.

The mind-body connection basically translates to how our emotions, feelings, beliefs and attitudes can affect the biological functioning of our bodies. On the other side of the equation, our diet, body postures and our exercise and fitness routines also affect our minds and the way we think. In essence, both mind and body have a synergistic relationship with each other. Not only do our emotions play a major role in shaping the health of our body but also when we work towards keeping our body fit, we get a better grip of our emotions. 

As Dr. James Gordon, founder of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, points out, “The brain and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine and immune systems, and indeed, all the organs of our body and all the emotional responses we have, share common chemical language and are constantly communicating with one another.”