the diya within: nurturing your inner light

the diya within: nurturing your inner light
Photo by Janardan Mahto / Unsplash

“Protect your own good in all that you do, and as concerns everything else take what is given as far as you can make reasoned use of it. If you don’t, you’ll be unlucky, prone to failure, hindered and stymied.”
— Epictetus, Discourses, 4.3.11

Each of us carries a precious, luminous gift—a small flame that resides deep within our being. This inner light, akin to a diya or oil lamp, represents the inherent goodness and potential for kindness that exists in every human heart. Like a diya, this inner light is delicate, requiring constant care and attention to keep it burning bright.

As the keeper of this diya, each day, you awake to the sacred responsibility of tending to your inner diya. This task, though seemingly simple, carries profound implications for both your personal journey and the collective human experience. The oil that fuels your lamp is composed of your thoughts, actions, and intentions. Every act of kindness, every moment of self-reflection, and every choice to do what is right rather than what is easy adds a drop of oil to your lamp, ensuring its continued brilliance.

However, the path of the lightkeeper is not without its challenges. The world can be a tumultuous place, filled with winds of cynicism, storms of adversity, and shadows of doubt that threaten to extinguish your flame. It is in these moments that your role as keeper becomes most crucial. You must shield your light, adjust its wick, and ensure that nothing obstructs its glow. This might mean setting boundaries, practicing self-care, or simply taking a moment to reconnect with your core values and beliefs.

The beauty of this metaphor lies in its universality. Every person you encounter, from the closest friend to the passing stranger, carries their own diya. They, too, are engaged in the daily task of nurturing their inner light. This realization fosters a sense of connection and empathy, reminding us that we are all united in our struggle to maintain our inner goodness in the face of life's challenges.

It's important to recognize that while you are responsible for your own light, you cannot control the flames of others. There may be times when it seems that darkness is encroaching, as some people neglect or even willfully extinguish their inner diyas. In these moments, it can be easy to feel disheartened or to question the significance of your own small light.

Yet, it is precisely in these darker times that your commitment to keeping your diya alight becomes most vital. Even a single flame can pierce through vast darkness, offering hope and inspiration to others. Your steadfast dedication to nurturing your inner goodness can serve as a beacon, reminding others of the light that resides within them as well.

Moreover, when multiple diyas shine together, their collective radiance can illuminate entire communities, dispelling shadows and fostering an environment of warmth and compassion. Each individual effort, no matter how small it may seem, contributes to this greater light.

"The more light you allow within you, the brighter the world you live in will be."
— Shakti Gawain