the battle within: choosing love over fear

the battle within: choosing love over fear
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash
The Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
— Reinhold Niebuhr

Remember those childhood cartoons where a character faced with a decision suddenly had a devil and an angel pop up on either shoulder? As it turns out, this whimsical depiction isn't far from the truth of our inner workings. According to the spiritual teachings of A Course in Miracles, our minds are indeed divided into two distinct parts: the ego and the higher Self.

The ego, much like the cartoon devil, is our fear-driven side. It's restless, demanding, and prone to dramatic reactions. In contrast, our higher Self resembles the angelic figure—calm, peaceful, and respectful. Grounded in the belief that we are all children of a divine source, this part of us communicates through gentle whispers and envelops us in unconditional love.

However, in our daily lives, the ego often drowns out the voice of our higher Self. Why? Because fear, the ego's primary fuel, is omnipresent in our world. It greets us in the morning news, haunts us through personal insecurities about our appearance and others' perceptions, and manifests in our constant worries about finances, careers, and family matters.

The good news is that we have the power to nurture and strengthen our higher Self. Practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and spending time in nature provide the stillness necessary to hear the soothing voice of our inner wisdom. These moments of quiet allow us to differentiate between our fear-based thoughts and our love-based essence.

In this context, the Serenity Prayer emerges as a powerful tool. Its simple yet profound words offer a daily moment of tranquility, helping us discern between what we can and cannot change, and guiding us towards an appropriate response. The beauty of this prayer lies in its gentle approach—it doesn't demand the complete eradication of our fears, but rather grants us the strength to shift our perspective towards love-based emotions like acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness.

The next time you find yourself in a challenging situation, feeling the metaphorical devil on your shoulder, pause and recite the Serenity Prayer. This simple act can help you recognize that your worries and insecurities are merely the voice of fear. More importantly, it reminds you that you have the innate ability to choose love instead.

By consistently choosing love over fear, we can gradually amplify the voice of our higher Self. This shift doesn't happen overnight, but with practice, we can learn to navigate life's challenges with greater serenity and wisdom. Remember, the choice between fear and love is always yours to make. And in that choice lies the power to transform not only your own life but also the world around you.