the true meaning of luck
do your best, let go of the rest
> "For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business." — T.S. Eliot
It’s true that as human beings, we belong to a superior species on the planet,
and thanks to our gifted faculties, each one of us has an incredible amount of
don’t look back, look ahead
Your past does not equal your future.
You can either be a prisoner of your past or the architect of your future. You
can’t be both. What you choose today determines your destiny.
Temporary defeats, as gruesome as they might be, are not permanent failures.
Let go of the
the greatest gift you can give to your child
> “When no buyers were near, he talked to me earnestly to impress upon me how
valuable work would be to me in the future: ‘Some men hate it. They make it
their enemy. Better to treat it like a friend, make thyself like it. Don't mind
don’t lose your natural instincts
> “A lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.” — Tywin Lannister
(Game of Thrones)
In his book, Relentless, Tim Grover talks at length about each of us having
ruthless natural instincts. A great example of this notion is the basketball
legend Michael Jordan. Jordan had
you must choose the right talent over family
Many people, especially if they’re involved in a family business, tend to hire
their immediate family members and blood relatives for important positions in
their company. But often in my personal opinion, this just opens Pandora’s box
and brings countless troubles both in their work and family life.
the biggest challenge for each of us
The laws of Nature (also known as God’s laws) are infallible. Your life is a
mirror reflection of how aligned you are with these laws.
It’s unfortunate that most of us are not aware of this truth. Our misguided and
misaligned thoughts, words, and actions keep us stuck
you must cultivate a red-hot desire
> “Many people think they want to be successful, but since they do not back that
thought with an intense drive, they never achieve success.”
— Napoleon Hill
In order to succeed, you must act. And if you want to act consistently and
tirelessly, you must embrace a purpose that aligns
make contribution an active part of your life
Whenever you feel life has been unfair to you and start criticizing your fate,
just look around you and start counting your blessings. This will instantly
change your perspective and you’ll begin to appreciate how fortunate you are.
The truth is that you’re living the dream life of