strive for excellence in every action

strive for excellence in every action
Photo by Ali Morshedlou / Unsplash
“This can be swiftly taught in very few words: virtue is the only good; there is no certain good without virtue; and virtue resides in our nobler part, which is the rational one. And what can this virtue be? True and steadfast judgment. For from this will arise every mental impulse, and by it every appearance that spurs our impulses will be rendered clear.”
— Seneca, Moral Letters, 71.32

Admiral William H. McRaven is an excellent example of someone with a strong, steely character known for his dependability, trustworthiness, and excellence. His stellar reputation stems largely from his remarkable consistency in upholding high standards throughout his distinguished military career and beyond.

McRaven served as a Navy SEAL for 37 years, rising through the ranks to become a four-star admiral and commander of U.S. Special Operations Command. He is perhaps best known for overseeing the raid that led to the death of Osama bin Laden in 2011.

Throughout his career, McRaven demonstrated unwavering commitment to his values and mission. He was known for his calm demeanor under pressure, strategic thinking, and ability to lead complex operations. His consistency in decision-making and action earned him the respect of both his subordinates and superiors.

After retiring from the military, McRaven continued to exemplify strong character and leadership. He served as Chancellor of the University of Texas System from 2015 to 2018, bringing the same level of dedication and excellence to academia that he showed in his military career.

McRaven's consistency stems from his deeply held principles and strong moral compass. He has often spoken about the importance of integrity, perseverance, and service to others. These values guided his actions consistently throughout his life, whether in high-stakes military operations or everyday interactions.

His 2014 commencement speech at the University of Texas at Austin, which went viral, further illustrates his philosophy. In it, he emphasized how small, consistent actions — like making your bed every morning — can lead to bigger accomplishments and help build character over time.

McRaven's life story demonstrates how consistently adhering to one's principles and striving for excellence in every action, no matter how small, can build a reputation for dependability and trustworthiness. His example shows that true character is revealed not in isolated moments of glory, but in the consistent choices we make day after day.