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why you must cultivate a discipline of detachment
The world in which we live now is a world of access. Never before in the history of humanity has it become so much easier to acquire things. Just a click of a few buttons, maybe a phone call, and you can get whatever you want. Due to this ease,
celebrating earth day with feng shui
“When people ask me to describe Feng Shui, I tell them that it’s about much more than moving furniture around. Feng Shui is the original “green design,” and it is about creating harmony with Mother Earth by unifying our inner and outer environments. The inner and outer are not
reinventing yourself through joyful work
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
— Howard Thurman
Life, in its grand tapestry, isn't a static portrait; it's