rediscovering our true selves: a journey back to perfection

rediscovering our true selves: a journey back to perfection
Photo by Ashley Batz / Unsplash

As infants, we come into this world in a state of perfection. In those early days, we are still deeply connected to the force that created everything around us. We are pure, untainted by the fears and doubts that will later shape our lives. At this stage, we exist in harmony with the world, free from any limiting beliefs or false assumptions.

As we grow older, however, this begins to change. We start to absorb the fears and anxieties of the world around us. Much of this is driven by our deep desire for love and acceptance, particularly from our parents. To gain their affection and approval, we start to mimic their behaviors and attitudes. This means that we also adopt their fears, limiting beliefs, and false assumptions. We do this because, at our core, we crave love and connection.

By the time we reach adulthood, we are a collection of all the fears and beliefs we have picked up along the way. The person we are at this moment is not our true self. Instead, it is a version of ourselves shaped by our experiences and the environment we grew up in. We have become someone molded by the world’s influences rather than remaining our pure, original selves.

To rediscover our true selves, we need to look back and examine the origins of our fears. This process involves exploring the moments in our lives when we first adopted these limiting beliefs and assumptions. By understanding where these fears come from, we can start to work through them. It’s a journey of unraveling and letting go of the fears that no longer serve us.

This process is not easy, but it is essential for returning to a more authentic version of ourselves. As we confront and clear these fears, we make room for our true selves to emerge. We reconnect with that original state of perfection and harmony we experienced as infants. In doing so, we can live more freely and fully, unburdened by the fears and false beliefs we once carried.