one year completed

Today marks the completion of one year since I started this blog and am glad that I have managed to post an important insight every single day. It has been challenging but immensely satisfying to write and share something new every day and maintain this streak. 

As Seth Godin recently wrote in his blog

“Streaks are their own reward.

Streaks create internal pressure that keeps streaks going.

Streaks require commitment at first, but then the commitment turns into a practice, and the practice into a habit.

Habits are much easier to maintain than commitments.”

What started as an experiment gradually turned into a commitment, a part of my daily routine, and now it has become a habit, a habit that significantly impacts me as well as all the people who come across my work.

In spite of knowing the importance of cultivating an abundant mindset, I was a little uncertain about how I’ll come up with a new topic every day and if I will run out of ideas or insights to share with my readers. But over the past months, that uncertainty and doubt has turned into certainty and confidence. As the streak has progressed, the question “How will I blog today?” has metamorphosed into “What will I write for my blog today?” I still get somewhat nervous and feel a little fear each day as I sit to write, but with time, patience, curiosity and creativity, I come up with something meaningful to share with you.

I want to continue doing this, and be a constant source of inspiration and positive information that will nudge you a little every day towards becoming the best version of yourself and living the life that you’re meant to live. I feel glad and grateful to have embarked on this journey. Thank you so much for joining me and being a part of it; this is just the beginning, there’s more to come. Cheers!

PS: You can subscribe to The Daily Apple for free, as always, and get the posts via email. No spam, ever. Trust me on this.