you must never feel bad about money

you must never feel bad about money
Photo by Artem Beliaikin / Unsplash
"Your net worth is determined by your thoughts and beliefs." – Darren Hardy

Money. For many of us, it's a complicated topic fraught with emotional baggage. As children, we absorb all kinds of messages about money from parents, teachers, society at large. Many of these messages are negative - saying that money is the root of all evil, that wanting money means we are greedy or materialistic. We hear things like "We can't afford that right now" or "Rich people must be dishonest to have gotten all that money." Our innocent young minds soak up these beliefs like sponges. We accept them as truth, allowing them to shape our subconscious feelings about money. 

Even children from wealthy families receive negative messaging about money being unspiritual or that wanting money means you'll have to work too hard. These flawed beliefs get woven into the very fiber of who we are. So we grow up inherently feeling like money must be bad or negative. We develop an unconscious bias against wealth and affluence.

Then, whenever we struggle financially as adults, it confirms this subconscious programming. We assume money trouble is just part of who we are or that wealth is not meant for us. In reality, money itself has no moral value - it is merely a tool for exchange. But we project our unconscious beliefs onto it, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. If deep down we believe money is negative, then negative financial circumstances will materialize. 

"Poverty is a state of mind. If you want prosperity, simply change your mindset." – Catherine Ponder

The good news is that this cycle can be broken by retraining our minds. We must first become aware of our subconscious money beliefs. Then, we can deliberately choose to adopt more empowering beliefs about money and wealth. Affirmations like "I deserve abundance" or "Money comes to me easily" can reprogram our minds for prosperity. Meditating on what wealth will enable us to accomplish also develops a positive association. As our unconscious mindset shifts, our financial circumstances will transform too.

In summary, for many people, financial struggles stem not from a lack of money, but from childhood conditioning. We absorbed negative money beliefs that manifested as financial trouble. But by raising our awareness and deliberately installing more empowering money beliefs, we can align with and manifest abundance instead. Our financial fate is not sealed - we have the power to rewrite our money story.

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