make success consciousness your number one priority
In his landmark book Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill writes, “Success comes to those who become success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious. The object is to help all who seek it learn the art of changing their minds from failure consciousness to success consciousness.”
Failure is inevitable. However, if you want to be successful, you must let go of focusing on the fear of failure and fear of undesirable consequences. Being in a fearful state never serves us well. When we take actions in a state of fear, by virtue of the Law of Attraction, we tend to bring about circumstances in our life that we are trying to avoid, not ones that we want. You must focus on success 24/7 and believe that you will be successful in life no matter what.
Ask yourself, “What if everything is going to work out for me, how would I think or do things differently?” Your focus, efforts, and actions must be aligned with positive expectations, thoughts, and beliefs that you will be successful. In race car school one of the first things that the drivers are taught is “Don’t look at the wall.” Why is this important? Because at 190 plus miles per hour where you look is where you go and if you look at the wall… you hit the wall! Certain drivers literally steer right into the wall because their fear has them focused on what they want to avoid. That’s something to think about.
Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear that things won’t go in our favor typically stop a majority of the population from taking any action and designing a life that they truly desire and deserve. This is why success consciousness plays such a key role in attaining and sustaining success and must be our number one priority in all circumstances.