it's okay to feel a little jealous in relationships

it's okay to feel a little jealous in relationships
Photo by JD Mason / Unsplash

Do you ever get a twinge of jealousy when your partner talks about how great their co-worker is? Or feel a little green monster stir inside when they get a flirty text from an old friend? Don't worry, it's perfectly natural to experience mild jealousy in a relationship.

Jealousy simply means you care about your partner and don't want to lose them. It shows you value what you have together. It's a sign you want to be special and important to them. Those are good things! Wanting your partner's attention and commitment isn't bad at all.

The key is keeping that jealousy from getting out of control. A little bit is fine and healthy. But too much jealousy can make you act in unhealthy ways, like constantly fighting, snooping through your partner's stuff, or trying to control their life. That's when jealousy becomes a big problem in the relationship.

If you feel jealous, take a step back. Think about what's really making you feel that way. Is it just your own insecurity? Or did your partner actually do something to betray your trust? Whatever the reason, the best thing is to talk to them about it calmly. Don't accuse or attack, just explain how you're feeling. Work together to understand each other better and find a good solution.

A little jealousy is no big deal when it's expressed in a healthy way. It means you cherish your partner. The trick is keeping it from getting out of hand and damaging the relationship you want to protect in the first place.