how meditation can change your life

how meditation can change your life
Photo by Anway Pawar / Unsplash
“Meditation is a way for nourishing and blossoming the divine within you.”
— Amit Ray

In this world of distractions and noise everywhere around us, we need to develop a practice of mindfulness to lead a happy and fulfilling life. We have to be mindful of our thoughts, our actions, and the words we speak.

We are in the prime of our mental fitness when we are calm and mindful. Meditation is a life-changing habit to cultivate and to be practiced daily as it brings more awareness to our lives. Often, our mind is so used to distractions in the outside world that our mental clutter, our thoughts, and our emotions are not paid attention to. When we sit quietly for a brief time, we become cognizant of our inner world and the nature of thoughts swirling inside our heads.

A practice of meditation will help you develop self-control, and be instrumental in controlling your emotions and thoughts. It will help you get in touch with your Inner Being and the Infinite Intelligence that is present in each of us.

Meditation brings focus and clarity to every aspect of our lives. Like working out, you may not realize its benefits instantly, but it may take you a few months or even years to truly reap the rewards. When you meditate, you align with your inner world.

In his book 10% Happier, Dan Harris mentions how meditation literally saved his life. He had a panic attack on national television and in a pursuit to better his life and well-being, he started practicing meditation. He mentions that meditation helped him not to react to situations, but instead respond to them. And I feel the same way after having meditated for years now. I feel like I have an invisible shield around me. If something unfortunate happens to me, or I encounter any rejection or failure, unlike previous times when it used to pierce into my body and hurt me, now I feel protected against it.

If you are new to meditation, then I would suggest starting small and focusing on a daily practice of only 5 minutes after you wake up. The best time to meditate is usually in the morning after waking up. In the initial stages, you can listen to guided meditations available online. They are like training wheels that will help you practice meditation and make it a daily habit. There are some great apps like Headspace and Calm that can be used to get started.

A good and effective meditation practice requires consistency and faith. It is a great way to step inside, know your thoughts, and embrace your true self. Meditation is not about doing anything, it’s simply about being, so just sit back, relax, and be the observer.