finding the funny: a prescription for better well-being

finding the funny: a prescription for better well-being
Photo by Fran / Unsplash
“No mind is thoroughly well organized that is deficient in a sense of humor.”
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In our fast-paced world, prioritizing laughter can feel like a luxury. Yet, cultivating a habit of humor isn't just about fleeting amusement; it's a potent tool for enhancing our mental well-being. Just like any skill, humor can be developed, and by embracing its principles, we can learn to navigate life's challenges with a lighter perspective and a happier disposition.

The good news? You don't have to wait for a lightning bolt of hilarity to strike. We can actually train our brains to find the funny. This phenomenon relates to the "priming effect," where our brains become hyperaware of things we anticipate encountering. By actively seeking humor in daily life, we develop a "funny-focus," attracting more joy and laughter into our experiences.

A simple way to begin is the "Three Funny Things" challenge. Dedicate a few moments each day to jot down three things that tickled your funny bone. This daily ritual subtly nudges your attention towards the lighthearted aspects of life, making humor easier to recognize and appreciate. Remarkably, research shows that this seemingly insignificant practice, followed for just one week, can lead to a decrease in depressive symptoms for up to six months!

Positive psychology offers another powerful strategy: savoring. By consciously extending the pleasure derived from fun moments, we can significantly increase our well-being. This practice can be applied in three ways: relishing fun experiences as they unfold, anticipating upcoming enjoyable moments, or reminiscing about past positive experiences. Here's where the "humor jar" comes in. Grab a jar, some paper strips, and a pen, and place them strategically at home or work. Whenever you encounter a comical situation, write it down and deposit it in the jar. Then, at the end of a designated period – be it a week, a month, or a year – open your container and revisit your collection of humorous memories, savoring each one.

By incorporating these practices, we can transform humor from a fleeting sensation into a powerful tool for navigating life's ups and downs. Remember, laughter truly is the best medicine, readily available to anyone who takes the time to find it. So, start training your brain today, embrace the funny in everyday moments, and watch your well-being blossom. 

“From there to here, and here to there, funny things are everywhere.”
– Dr. Seuss