bringing more money in your life

Money is not everything; I absolutely agree with this. But we all know in our hearts that money does play a role in helping us live peaceful, joyous and fulfilled lives. 

Sure, there are sages in mountains and hermits in distant caves and forests who live happy, satisfying lives without any money or belongings. And then there are billionaires who live a life of luxury and possess everything they desire, yet still feel miserable and experience a deep void within themselves. But for a majority of us who are inclined to living somewhere in the middle of this spectrum, where we remain a part of the society and lead a decent civic life, we need a certain level of prosperity to experience choice, freedom and peace of mind, and to position ourselves to better access happiness. If we fail to accomplish that, we encounter poverty consciousness and money distress which further perpetuates negative emotional states such as anger, fear, anxiety, panic, guilt and shame.

The harsh truth is that a majority of people, no matter where they work and live, struggle to make or keep money. And the primary reason almost always is a flawed perception of money. As we grow up, most of us end up developing subconscious blocks to wealth and abundance. Because of this no matter how much we try, we always fail.

We have to start seeing money as a tool, as a catalyst. Sure, it can be a source of evil and misery, but if used well, it can also be a force of goodness and joy.

If you have been having a difficult time with your finances, it’s time to re-program your mind. Listen to positive affirmations and guided meditations that help you reorient back to a wealthy and abundant mindset. Find the right mentors and consume their books and audio programs. Commit to making behavioral changes and cultivating healthy habits that help you earn more and grow your wealth. 

It’s time to let go of your excuses and mental blocks and bring more money into your life. It’s time to embrace abundance and let wealth and prosperity flow to you easily and naturally.

Groucho Marx once said, “While money can’t buy happiness, it certainly lets you choose your own form of misery.” It’s much better to have problems of the rich than those of the poor. Many successful people have attested to this truth.

Money is not everything; I absolutely agree with this. But it does play a significant role in elevating ourselves and our life experiences, both materially as well as spiritually.