Parth Sawhney
the meaning and spiritual significance of November 11th
Few dates in the calendar carry as much spiritual weight and cultural significance as November 11th. This day stands as a powerful testament to humanity's enduring search for meaning, combining ancient spiritual wisdom with modern commemoration in a remarkable synthesis of sacred and secular observance.
The date itself
you must know what you want from life
“If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” ― Jim Rohn
A great majority of the human population is just drifting through life. They are totally clueless
requests work better than orders
One of the most essential skills you can learn as a leader in the modern world is the art of converting orders into requests.
If you want your employees and team members to exude excellence and perform their tasks exceptionally well in the given time, you must ask them, not
solitude makes you limitless
“Only in solitude can you discover a sense of your own beauty.” — John O’Donohue
If you want to tap into the power of the Infinite Intelligence within you, open the channels of creativity, and experience limitlessness in all aspects of life, you must embrace solitude and quietude.
why you must get rid of resentment
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” ― Nelson Mandela
Resentment usually develops when you are unable to forgive someone and move on with your life. Many times, what worsens the situation is your inability or unwillingness to confront the people you did you wrong.
how to capture someone’s interest
Here are two important things you need to keep in mind if you want to captivate others and hold their interest:
1. Have something to say: You must become an avid learner so that you are always equipped to hold an intelligent conversation on a wide range of topics such
my new morning routine (2022 edition) – [3/3]
With the coffee mug in my hand, I sit at my work desk and fire on my laptop computer. I quickly check my Google calendar, update and track my progress on my Weekly Rhythm Register spreadsheet, and read my “morning mentorship” emails (I’ve sorted these via a filter in
my new morning routine (2022 edition) – [2/3]
Next, I perform my sacred trifecta routine comprising three disciplines:
* Discipline 1 – Exercise
* Discipline 2 – Reflection + Spirituality
* Discipline 3 – Learning
I spend around 20 minutes with each discipline.
First, I start playing some inspirational music on YouTube Music (the Rocky playlist is my all-time favorite and always works) and
my new morning routine (2022 edition) – [1/3]
This year, for the most part, I had been able to honor my habit of waking up early by 5 am every day. However during the summertime, my sleep discipline and hygiene got massively compromised as against my better nature, I was constantly glued to the screens around me. i.